Wildlife and landscape photographer


From Alaska to Africa, in the footsteps of the Pyrenean Bear or the largest mammals on our planet, I propose various photographic exhibitions. For a professional event, a festival or simply bring a touch of originality to your premises, do not hesitate to contact me.

Instinct Maternel
The mothers behind everything
Possible en extérieurPossible en extérieur
Pictures printed on Alu-Dibond panels
13 tirages 120 x 60 cm

From the depths of the savannah to the largest megacities, each newborn baby needs a landmark to develop and to learn the skills to survive. This exhibition brings to light the differences and similarities that we observe in mother-child relationships, in both human and wildlife sides. An opportunity to see that we ar not very different : all mothers give love and protection to their little ones. The choice of black and white gives to the reader the opportunity to focus on the action and the subjects, more than on the environment. A neutral background has been set up to facilitate the legibility and staging of the portraits. Through their work, the photographers wanted to pay tribute to the mothers, human or animal, who are real peace activists by transmitting their knowledge and love.

Géraldine Buis and Mathieu Pujol are two professional photographers based in the little town of Cintegabelle. Géraldine takes pictures of different moments of life, weddings, family, in the field or in the studio. Mathieu is a photographer-reporter specialized in wildlife and landscapes around the world. Their complementarity made possible this exhibition thanks to Mathieu's image bank and the participation of Moms and children who agreed to pose in front of Géraldine's lens.

Animaux et Territoires
“Man is a wolf for Man” but not only!
Possible en extérieurPossible en extérieur
Printed prints on Aludibond
12 tirages 120 x 60 cm

Over the centuries, the development of Humanity has constantly impacted wild territories. Whether animal or plant, species are often confronted with the occupation of Man and his ability to modify the environment.
Pushed into exile (such as the “Retirada”), the wild populations are gradually moving towards smaller and smaller areas. Faced with these changes, plants are disappearing and animals are abandoning their natural environment, which is often synonymous with the extinction of the species.
When it is not a question of problems of cohabitation, it is on the scale of the globe that human activity condemns species and even entire natural environments.
Paradoxically, if the right decisions are not taken, the disappearance of species and natural environments for the benefit of the expansion of Man will probably be one of the causes of the extinction of Humanity.
Through this exhibition I wanted to present examples of the impact of Man on Nature with, sometimes, actions put in place to try to "limit" the damage.
All is not lost yet, we can react and reverse the trend. Every small gesture counts, every decision has its impact and each of us can contribute our part... MUST contribute our part!

an Air Land Sea adventure
From the wild expanses of the Far North to the deep waters of the Alaskan fiords, this report takes you on an extraordinary adventure, the migration of salmon in the heart of one of the most surprising American states.
Photos printed on Ilford paper and pasted on dibond
15 tirages 75 x 50 cm
10 tirages 60 x 40 cm
8 tirages 90 x 60 cm
1 tirages 180 x 60 cm
1 tirages 120 x 60 cm

Made during the filming of a wildlife film and on four different sites for more than 45 days, this report took place on land, at sea and in the air in order to follow the journey of the salmon as closely as possible.

Coming up from the four corners of the Pacific Ocean to spawn in the Alaskan lakes, these fish brave countless dangers: Orcas, Grizzlys, Bald Eagles... or some unsuspected ones, coming from the depths of icy waters such as the Salmon Shark, a very unrecognized adapted to the low water temperatures of Prince William Sound. After encountering humpback whales, Steller sea lions and other marine mammals, some of these fish end their incredible journey in the caldera of the Aniakchak volcano. In the heart of Lake "Surprise", they complete their mutation and take on their red color before reproducing.